PicStraps is a social media platform for shared stories (links, articles, pictures & videos).
To share something on PicStraps, login is not required. Just paste the link of any article or picture or videos available on internet & it will get shared on PicStraps for the span of 24 hours.
The easiest way to get a link of any content on internet is to copy URL (when you are on that specific webpage) which is there in browser window.
With every shared stories, the name of the person who has shared it, will be seen. As PicStraps is a universal platform without login procedure, it will be viewable to everyone who uses it.
On PicStraps with your every shared story, you can hyperlink your User ID of any other social media platform (ex. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). This is optional. It'll help the people being easily approachable to you, based on kind of content you share here.
The easiest way to do this is open your profile of your favorite social media platform (ex. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) on a chrome browser. By doing this you will get a link of your User ID in browser's URL window. You'll need to copy this User ID link & paste it only first time you share something on PicStraps, after that you'll have auto-remember option whenever you go through it.